Here is what I have in my binder:
- 4 inch zippered binder with a strap
- Divider Tabs
- 9 slot sheet protectors
- 8 slot sheet protectors
- 6 slot sheet protectors
- 4 slot sheet protectors (great to hold the rainchecks from Kroger) and I have another set of 4 slot sheets protectors that are great for the internet printed coupons.
- 8.5x11 sheet protectors (for store policies, bigger coupons for mall stores, and rebate forms)
- highlighter
- pen
- small calculator
I purchased my first zippered binder on clearance after the back to school shopping season. I've since outgrown it and had to upgrade to one that was about 4 times bigger.
Here is the binder I currently have...
I bought it on Amazon with the money I had earned from Swagbucks and Checkpoints. I paid $24.99 for it. It is really big.
Here is the 3" version for $17.99.
Here is a 2" version for $12.99
For the inserts, I have found them on Ebay and Amazon. I purchased my baseball card inserts from a card store about 3 years ago. I know Target and Wal-mart also sells them.
Here are the page sizes that I have...
Ultra Pro 9-Pocket Trading Card Pages - Platinum Series (100 Pages)
is $14.99 on Amazon.
20 (Twenty) Single Ultra Pro 8-Pocket Pages - Eight Pockets Page (8 Top Load / Horizontal Slots)
20 (Twenty Pages) - BCW Pro 6-Pocket Page are 0.88 on Amazon.0.88 on Amazon0.88 on Amaz0.
20 (Twenty Pages) - Pro 4-Pocket Coupon Page is $8.73 on Amazon.
20 (Twenty) - BCW Pro 4-Pocket MODERN Currency Storage Page - for $8.18 on Amazon.